Monday, May 13, 2013

Declension of Nouns and Pronouns by Cases - कारक से संज्ञा-सर्वनाम में विकार

Lesson - 4 Declension of Nouns and Pronouns by Cases - कारक से संज्ञा-सर्वनाम में विकार

1. Declension of Nouns
In Hindi there are two types of Numbers...
  • सामान्य वचन - Simple Number
  • तिर्यक वचन - Oblique Number

The one we have studied till now is सामान्य वचन, that is, simply the plural or singular of the word, when the word doesn't have a casal suffix on it.
But when the word has a casal suffix as well, then the form of एकवचन and बहुवचन before the suffix is changed.
लड़का [सामान्य एकवचन] boy, लड़के [सामान्य बहुवचन] boys
लड़के (का) [तिर्यक एकवचन] {of} boy, लड़कों (का) [तिर्यक बहुवचन] {of} boys

The rules for the तिर्यक वचन formation...

These rules can be understood by analyzing the following table... Look at the endings in the first column and see how they have changed in the rest...

Basically you now know how to form...
संज्ञा + कारक (noun + case) in Hindi... It can be represented in this way...
संज्ञा + कारक = तिर्यक रूप (The form of noun in 'oblique number')  + कारक
बंदा (person) + के लिए = बन्दे + के लिए = बन्देके लिए (for the person)
सेनादल (armies) + के पास = सेनाओं + के पास = सेनाओंके पास (Towards/Near to the armies)

Now, before giving you the list of some nouns with their कारक विभक्ति. I have to get acquainted to two words... "आदि" and "....कारान्त"
आदि means 'etc.', it is the short form of "इत्यादि" which means the full form 'etcetera'.
...कारान्त means in general "Ending with ...". We generally use it as a suffix on letters, when we need to say that the word ends with it.
अकारान्त - Ending with the vowel अ
तकारान्त - Ending with the consonant त
आदि [etc. :)]

Now I am going to give you a small list of Nouns with their declension of कारक...

2. Declension of Pronouns

In Hindi, when we say things like "For me, to me, of mine, by themselves" etc., of course the कारक विभक्ति  are used but there is a slight change in the main pronoun as well. And most of the times, it is irregular and doesn't follow any pattern, thus we straight away go to the tables of them when विभक्ति are joined to them.

Remember that there is no संबोधन कारक in the pronouns.

And the pronouns कुछ and सब which are always plural, just have the विभक्ति  come after themselves and they do not change.
कुछको, सबसे, कुछके लिए, सबके लिए आदि…

When nouns  are put with विभक्ति in-front of the pronouns... pronouns also have to change to तिर्यक रूप. This is done because these pronouns act as adjective..
जो कोई लोग => जिन किन्हीं लोगोंको
ये लोग => इन लोगोंके लिए
वह चीज़ => उस चीज़ से
हम लोग => हम लोगोंसे 

लोग always becomes "लोगों" before the विभक्ति as it is always plural in sense. (It means people).
लोगोंका, लोगोंके पास आदि…

चीज़ (as pronoun) when it is singular, it remains as it is... before विभक्ति. And चीज़ें (as pronoun) becomes चीज़ों before विभक्ति.
किसी चीज़का, कुछ चीज़ोंको etc.

के अंदर, के पास, के बाहर, के सामने etc. विभक्ति can be put by first putting the के (संबंध कारक) विभक्ति to the noun or pronoun and then putting the word...
मेरे अंदर, वस्तुओंके पास, अपने बाहर, घरके सामने, देवके ऊपर etc...

there are post-positions which do not use के with the adverb... like तक (till)
But the noun or pronoun would be converted to the तिर्यक वचन ...
मुझ तक, कपड़ों तक, लोगों तक, अपने तक, लड़के तक, अध्यापकों तक, शिष्या तक etc...

***Remember that where-ever it is written अपना, ने, नी ; किनका, की, के ; वस्तुओंसे, के द्वारा  etc. It means अपना, अपने, अपनी ; किनका, किनकी, किनके ; वस्तुओंसे, वस्तुओंके द्वारा etc. It is just a short form of expressing it...

Cases - कारक

Lesson - 3 Cases - कारक

There are many prepositions in English. And in Hindi, the preposition comes after the word thus called post-position, there are millions of post-positions in Hindi formed of these 8 cases.
For a person who hasn't learnt grammar ever... these post-positions can be divided into two parts....

------------ Mother Post-position [ex. के लिए (for), का (of)]
------------ Post-position + Adverb [ex. के हिसाब से (according to), के बारे में (about)]

In this chapter we will learn about mother post-positions, called cases 'कारक', which in later chapter we'll learn give birth to the millions of post-positions existing in the language by joining themselves to an adverb.

Cases कारक

There are eight cases...

1. कर्ता कारक - There is always a case with every subject and object. The one on the subject is called the कर्ता कारक. Only कर्ता कारक can be applied on The Subject of the clause and all the others are only applied on The Object, this fact is applicable only for The Active Voice. You will get to know about it in the further lessons. In this lesson we'll deal with cases of Active Voice only. It's symbol (that marks the existence of कर्ता कारक) is generally always invisible, I mean it has the meaning but is not written. Ex.
मैं आ रहा हूँ। - I am coming.
तुम घर आ गए हो। - You have come. (Informal)
राम आएगा। - Ram will come.
      There nothing written with the subjects मैं, तुम and राम but still they are said to be having a कर्ता कारक.

But in The Simple Past Tense and The Perfect Tenses of The Transitive Verbs, the existence of the कर्ता कारक is marked by the suffix ने. Ex.
मैंने खाना खाया। - I ate food.
तुमने लिया है। - You have taken. (Informal)
उसने अंक नहीं दिए थे। - He/She hadn't given marks.
सीताने ही ये किया होगा। - Sita only would have done it.
         There are many more things to be read in this specific context, regarding objects and all, those which we'll do after having done Sentence Construction and Verbs Basic Tenses.

2. कर्म कारक - Generally speaking, the कर्म कारक always lies with The Direct Objects, either invisible or marked by the suffix को after the direct object. And generally it is optional that you take invisible suffix or को. But if the direct object is a living thing then it is necessary to use the को suffix.
*With pronouns the suffix को changes the whole form of the pronoun. You will learn those forms in the next chapter.

Some examples...
उन्हें बुलाओ! - Call them!
मैंने रामको मना कर दिया। - I refused (to) Ram.
यह दे दो! - Give it!
लड़की खिलौनेको लायी है। - The girl has brought a toy.
रावणने वरदान माँगा था। - Ravan had asked for/demanded a boon.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to keep the कर्म कारक  invisible on the inanimate direct object.... as in...
Tell this to him... Even in English this is made up of "Tell this + Tell him = Tell this to him", you can't say "Tell this him"... similarly in Hindi..
यह उसे कहो। - Tell this to him/ her.
If you say it like "इसे उसे कहो।" then confusions would be caused that "what to be told to whom" therefore the inanimate object should have invisible कर्म कारक and the animate one should have को suffix.

को suffix can also be used in these situations of indirect objects (But invisible is possible as well)
"go somewhere/ to some place", "come somewhere/ to some place", "reach somewhere/ some place" etc...
लौटके भूला घरको आया। - The one who forgot (the way) came back home.
(This one is used as an idiom, so you might find it difficult to understand, but actually I was trying to find out examples practically used in day-to-day life therefore I used this one. You will understand such structures with time.)
मैंने खूब मेहनत की थी, इसलिए अगली कक्षाको पहुँच पाया हूँ। - I had put a lot of effort, that's why have been able to reach the next class.
(This would also be seeming difficult... but with time you will be able to catch up, I am really not able to think of simpler sentences with this very concept...)

3. करण कारक - Generally speaking, the करण कारक can be translated to the English prepositions "by, of = using and to = with" where, when in करण कारक 'by'/'of' are used, they should convey the meaning of 'using' and, when 'to' is used, it should convey the meaning of 'with' as well. Since the main motive of the blog is to teach, how to read, write and speak Hindi, therefore if we can directly have literal translation, we will just go for it without going through much explanation. The suffix for करण कारक is से, के द्वारा (Can only be used when the clause conveys the meaning 'using').
रमेशने यह चिट्ठी हाथोंके द्वारा लिखी है। - Ramesh has written this letter by hands. = Ramesh has written this letter using hands.
अजनबियोंसे बात मत करना! - Don't (get into) talk(ing) to strangers. = Don't talk with strangers.
जो मूर्तियाँ मिट्टीसे बनीं हैं, वे कहाँ हैं? - The idols which are made up of mud, where are they? =  The idols which are made up using mud, where are they?
मैंने उनसे नहीं बोला। - I didn't speak to them. =  I didn't speak with them.

       Using 'to' in another special context......
Go to someone/something, Come to someone/something, Take someone/something to someone/something... etc... Here someone or something is moved near to someone or something. And the equivalent of near to is के पास. Therefore....
चलो उसके पास चलते हैं। - Let's go to/towards him.
इस खिलौनेको बक्सेके पास ले जाओ। - Take the toy to/towards the box.

       Using 'से' of करण कारक with Abstract Nouns...... (Explains the manner of doing something)
अच्छा + से = अच्छेसे       Goodness + ... = in a good manner
ख़ुशी + से = ख़ुशीसे           Happiness + ... = in a happy manner
इर्ष्या + से = इर्ष्यासे          Jealousy + ... = in a jealous manner
बढ़िया + से = बढ़ियासे      Nice thing + ... = in a nice manner
ठीक + से = ठीकसे            Correct + ... = in a correct manner
तरीका + से = तरीकेसे       Method + ... = with a right method
ढंग + से = ढंगसे                Method + ... = with a right method

4. संप्रदान कारक - The संप्रदान कारक can be translated to the English prepositions "for & to". The suffix for संप्रदान कारक is के लिए. When we use संप्रदान कारक with verbs the suffixes are को/ के लिए, anyway that will be studied in detail in a different chapter.
मेरे लिए कुछ मोमबत्तियाँ खरीद दो। - Get some candles bought for me.
चित्रकलाके लिए एक पुस्तक ले आओ। - Bring a notebook for drawing.
मैं खानेको कुछ चाहता हूँ। - I want something to eat.
उड़नेके लिए पंख की ज़रूरत होती है। There is a need of wings for flying.

5. अपादान कारक - The अपादान कारक can be translated to the English prepositions "from = of, than (The comparative degree)". The suffix for अपादान कारक is also से. Not only 'than' if we join "सब + से" we will get "सबसे" which when comes in-front of an adjective or an adverb, can give the meaning of "The most" and when we use put "सबसे कम" in-front of an an adjective or an adverb, it can convey the meaning of "The least", therefore अपादान कारक is used for 'The superlative degree' as well.
मैं इस निबन्ध को लिखनेसे ऊब गई हूँ। - I am sick of/from writing this essay.
रामानुजको साँपसे डर लगता है। - Ramanuj fears from snake.
तुम जयपुरसे कलकत्ताको रवाना होगे। - You will depart for (to go to) Kolkata from Jaipur. (informal)
पेरिससे लियोन तक कितनी दूरी है? - What is the distance from Paris to Lyon?
इससे अच्छा क्या होगा? - What will be better than this?
वे दोनों सौरभसे कम बलवान हैं। - Both of them are less stronger than Saurabh.
सबसे तेज़ वह भाग रहा है। - He is the fastest running.
सबसे कम रोटियाँ तूने माँगी। - You demanded the least chapatis. (familiar)

6. संबंध कारक - The संबंध कारक can be translated to the English prepositions "of" and is used to show 'possession'. The suffixes are "का/ की/ के".

का when the noun possessed is masculine singular then का will be used.
लड़केका खिलौना - Boy's toy

की when the noun possessed is feminine singular then की will be used.
लड़केकी दुकान - Boy's shop

के when the noun possessed is masculine plural  then के will be used.
लड़केके कपड़े - Boy's clothes

कीं when the noun possessed is feminine plural  then कीं will be used.
लड़केकीं दुकानें - Boy's shops

के when the noun possessed is masculine and is suffixed with a कारक then के will be used.
लड़केके कपड़ेका कोना - Boy's cloth's corner  लड़केके कपड़ोंका कोनाBoy's clothes' corner

की when the noun possessed is masculine and is suffixed with a कारक then की will be used.
लड़केकी दुकानका कोनाBoy's shop's corner   लड़केकी दुकानोंका कोनाBoy's shops' corner

                 Now let's look at some example sentences.....
मेरा काम हो जाएगा। - My work will be done.
तुम्हारी कहानी अच्छी थी। - Your story was good.
रामके कपड़े कहाँ रखे हैं? - Where are Ram's clothes?
राजाकीं रानियाँ युद्ध नहीं करेंगीं। - King's queens will not take part in the war.
लड़कोंके घरसे चले जाओ। - Go away from boys' house.
उसकी ज़मीनको बेच दे। - Sell off his/her land.
इनकीं घड़ियोंकी कीमत बता। - Tell the cost of their clocks.

7. अधिकरण कारक - The अधिकरण कारक is used for the English Prepositions 'in, below, inside, In-front' and 'on, above, outside, At-back'. The special thing is, for each of these English preposition, there is a different कारक suffix. But still, are said to be coming under अधिकरण कारक. The suffixes are as follows...

In                 में              मेरे घरमें आओ।                  Come in my house.
Below          के नीचे       इस पेड़के नीचे खज़ाना है।      Treasury is below the tree.
Inside          के अन्दर     बक्सेके अंदर कुछ था।            Something is inside the box.
On               पर               थालीपर रोटी है।                       Chapati is on the plate.
Above         के ऊपर     घासके ऊपर पानी है।              Water is above the grass.
Outside       के बाहर       घरके बहार लोग खड़े हैं।          People are standing outside the house.
In-front       के सामने     घरके सामने ट्रैफिक जैम है।     Traffic Jam is in-front of the house.
At-back      के पीछे        गाड़ीके पीछे स्क्रैच आया है।      Scratch is at-back of the car.

अधिकरण कारक + अपादान कारकमें/ के नीचे/ के अन्दर/ पर/ के ऊपर/ के बाहर/ के सामने/ के पीछे + से
This structure is frequently seen in Hindi in sentences like....
घड़ेमें से पानी निकालो। which will translated as "Take the water out from the earthen pot." only, but in Hindi we use में से because "water would be taken from 'the inner part' of the earthen pot"
मेजपर से किताबें हटाओ। - Remove the books from top part of the table.
गाड़ीके बाहरसे दरवाज़ा खोलो। - Open the door from outside the car.
वह घरके पीछेसे अन्दर आएगा। - He/She will come inside from backside of the house.

8. संबोधन कारक - In Hindi, संबोधन means 'to address someone', and it is actually an exclamation with the noun used. In this chapter we will only learn about "अरे!" which means "Hey!". Examples...
अरे लड़के! - Hey boy!
अरे लड़कों! - Hey boys!
अरे लड़की! - Hey girl!
अरे लड़कियों! - Hey girls!

The Following table summarizes the cases with the suffixes...

विभक्ति (numbering the कारक)
कर्ता कारक
Ø, ने 
कर्म कारक
Ø, को
करण कारक
संप्रदान कारक
 के लिए, को
अपादान कारक
 से, के द्वारा
संबंध कारक
 का, के, की
अधिकरण कारक
 मेंके नीचेके अन्दर,परके ऊपरके बाहरके सामनेके पीछे
(It's generally not numbered)
संबोधन कारक
हे!, अरे!

This chapter dealt with the theoretical explanation of cases, the next chapter would deal with, how cases affect the nouns and the pronouns they are used with!! :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pronouns - सर्वनाम

Lesson - 2 Pronouns - सर्वनाम

मैं  - I
हम - We
तू - You (Known person of same or younger age)
तुम (लोग)* - You (Unknown person of same or younger age)
आप (लोग)* - You (Formal, i.e. , used with people of elder age)
यह - He, She, It, This (Used for things that are near and used for singular things and singular known people of same or younger age)
ये - These  (Used for things that are near used for things that are near used for plural things and used with singular & plural people of elder age)
वह - He, She, It, That (Used for things that are a bit far and used for singular things and singular known people of same or younger age)
वे - They, Those (Used for things that are a bit far and used for plural things and used with singular & plural people of elder age)
जो - What/ Who**
कोई - Someone
कुछ - Something
क्या  - What
कौन - Who
अपने आप / खुद - (One)Self***

* सब, सारे, कुछ, कोई, लोग, चीज़ें, व्यक्ति, चीज़

With Pronouns

  1. सब, सारे (masculine), सारीं (feminine) - Comes with plural pronouns and means 'All'. Ex. तुम सब/ सारे (All of you (Males)), हम सारीं (All of us (Females))
  2. कुछ - Comes with जो, क्या (used for things) which itself can be used for plurals but it can use कुछ if one wants to emphasize on its plural, and it means 'All'. Ex. जो कुछ - All of which, क्या कुछ - What all
  3. कोई - Comes with जो (used for people) which itself can be used for plurals but it can use कोई if one wants to emphasize on its plural, and it means 'All'. Ex. जो कोई - All of whom
  4. लोग - Comes with plural pronouns (to indicate people) but doesn't give an attribute like 'Some' and 'All', so if one only wants to put emphasis on the plural not focusing the attribute one can use it. It can only give an attribute when it itself is attributed by सब, सारे (doesn't change its gender due to the person described) - All and कुछ - Some. For the attribute 'All', सब, सारे can directly be used but for 'Some' one is bound use 'कुछ लोग'. Ex. हम सब/ सारे लोग (All of us), जो कुछ लोग (All of which), वे लोग (Those people (Emphasizing on more number of people))
  5. चीज़ें - Comes with plural pronouns (to indicate things) but doesn't give an attribute like 'Some' and 'All', so if one only wants to put emphasis on the plural not focusing the attribute. It can only give an attribute when it itself is attributed by सब, सारीं (Doesn't change its gender due to the person described) - All and कुछ - Some. For the attribute 'All', सब, सारीं can directly be used but for 'Some' one is bound use 'कुछ चीज़ें'. Ex. ये सब, सारीं चीज़ें (All of these things), जो कुछ चीज़ें (Some of which things), वे चीज़ें (Those things (Emphasizing on more number of things))
  6. व्यक्ति - Comes with वह, ये, जो to emphasize on to emphasize on the person. One can also use the name of the person instead, to specify. वह व्यक्ति - That person, कौन राहुल - Who Rahul
  7. चीज़ - Comes with वह, ये, जो to emphasize on to emphasize on the thing. One can also use the name of the thing instead, to specify. वह चीज़ - That thing, यह कंप्यूटर - This computer
  8. But specially, तुम and आप can be used to point one person only, although they are considered as plural therefore whenever they are used to point more number of people, "सब, सारे (masculine), सारीं (feminine), लोग" are necessary to put.

With Nouns

  1. सब, सारे (masculine), सारीं (feminine) - Comes with plural nouns nouns and means 'All'. Ex. सब/ सारे बच्चे - All children, सब/ सारीं चिड़ियाँ - All the birds
  2. कुछ - Comes with plural nouns and means 'Some'. Ex. कुछ बच्चे - Some children
  3. कोई - Comes with singular nouns and means 'Some'. Ex. कोई बच्चा - Some child
  4. लोग - Cannot define nouns for being a noun itself...
  5. चीज़ - Cannot define nouns for being a noun itself...
  6. चीज़ें - Cannot define nouns for being a noun itself...
  7. व्यक्ति - Cannot define nouns for being a noun itself...

This is a relative pronoun. It refers to 'what and who' but not in interrogative format . We use it in sentences like "Call the person 'who' has come." जो (व्यक्ति) आया है उसे बुलाओ। and "Do 'what' I have told you." जो मैंने तुम्हें कहा है, वह करो। I know that you may be feeling it difficult to relate to the Hindi part but may be because of the English translation are able to relate something. जो itself is the plural but to put emphasis on its plural we use.... जो कुछ.

**अपने आप/ खुद
This is a reflexive pronoun that depends on the subject it is followed by. like
वह अपने आप खाएगा। - He will eat by himself.
मैं खुद को जितवाऊंगा। - I will cause myself to win.
तू अपने बारे में बात कर रहा है। - You are talking of yourself.

Pronouns - सर्वनाम Table

                                           Singular - एकवचन

     Plural - बहुवचन

Personal Pronoun (I) मैं                  हम
Personal Pronoun (You familiar) तू                  तुम सब
Personal Pronoun (You) तुम                  तुम सब
Personal Pronoun (You formal) आप                  आप सब
Personal Pronoun (He/ She/ It, Far) वह                  वे
Demonstrative Pronoun (That) वह                  वे
Personal Pronoun (He/ She/ It, Near) यह                  ये
Demonstrative Pronoun (This) यह                  ये
Relative Pronoun (What, Who) जो                  जो कुछ
Indefinite Pronoun (Someone) कोई                   कोई (लोग)
Indefinite Pronoun (Something) कुछ                   कुछ (चीज़ें)
Interrogative Pronoun (What) क्या                   क्या
Interrogative Pronoun (Who) कौन                  कौन
Reflexive Pronoun (Myself, Himself etc.) अपने आप / खुद            अपने आप / खुद

Monday, May 6, 2013

Nouns - संज्ञा

Lesson - 1 Nouns -  संज्ञा

Gender (लिंग) of Nouns in Hindi

There are two genders in Hindi.... Masculine (पुंलिंग) and Feminine (स्त्रीलिंग).

पुंलिंग - 
मैं खाना दूंगा। - I will give food. दूंगा (masculine future first person singular 'to give', will learn in further lessons) indicates that मैं is masculine.

स्त्रीलिंग -
मैं खाना दूंगी।  I will give food. दूंगी (feminine future first person singular 'to give' , will learn in further lessons) indicates that मैं is feminine.

In Hindi we even give genders to non-living things...  they are mostly irregular but for some we can follow some rules....

Masculine nouns - पुंलिंग 

  1. Electronic items (टीवी, कम्पुटर, मोबाइल)
  2. Most of the trees (अशोक, नीम)
  3. Hills and mountains (हिमालय, अरावली, सतपुरा, विन्ध्याचल, माउंट फूजी)
  4. Collective nouns (झुण्ड (crowd), समूह (group) , exception – जनता (people))
  5. Seas and oceans (प्रशांत (Pacific), हिन्द (Indian) etc.)
  6. Body organs – सर (head) , बाल (hair) , माथा (forehead) , कान (ear) , गाल (cheek) , मूह  (mouth), दात (teeth) , कन्धा (shoulder), अंगूठा (thumb) , पेट (stomach) , पांव (leg) , नाखून (nail) , हाथ (arm) , घुटना (knee) , गला (neck) , पैर (foot) etc.
  7. Countries (श्री लंका exception – feminine)
  8. Grains and pulses (उरद , मूंग , अरहर , मसूर , चना etc.)
  9. Materials and Gems (सोना (gold) , चांदी (silver) , ताम्बा (copper), हीरा (diamond)  etc.)
  10. Planets
  11. Months of lunar calendar (eg. चैत्र , वैशाख , ज्येष्ठ etc.)
  12. Sanskrit words ending in ‘a’, (बालक (boy) , वृक्ष (tree) , दिवस (day) etc.)
  13. Name of the letters of Hindi and English alphabets.
  14. Watery areas and parts of the Earth [समुद्र (sea), भारत (India), देश (country), नगर (city), द्वीप (island), आकाश (sky), पाताल (inferno), घर (house), सरोवर (lake)]
  15. Words with suffix "आ, आव, पा, पन, न" [मोटा (fat), चढ़ाव (upswing), बुढ़ापा (senility), लड़कपन (boyhood), लेन-देन (transaction)]
There are 9 planets:
  1. Mercury – बुध
  2. Venus – शुक्र
  3. Earth – पृथ्वी (Exception Feminine)
  4. Mars – मंगल
  5. Jupiter – बृहस्पति
  6. Saturn – शनि
  7. Uranus- अरुण
  8. Neptune – वरुण
  9. Pluto - यम

There are 12 months in Hindu lunar Calendar:

  1. Chaitra (चैत्र)
  2. Vaiśākha (वैशाख)
  3. Jyaiṣṭha (ज्येष्ठ)
  4. Āṣāḍha (आषाढ )
  5. Śrāvaṇa (श्रावण)
  6. Bhādrapada or Bhādra also Proṣṭhapada  (भाद्रपद,भाद्र,प्रोष्ठपद)
  7. Āśvina in, sometimes Aśvayuja (आश्विन, अश्वयुज)
  8. Kārtika (कार्तिक)
  9. Agrahāyaṇa or, Mārgaśīrṣa (मार्गशीर्ष, अग्रहाण)
  10. Pauṣa (पौष)
  11. Māgha (माघ)
  12. Phālguna (फाल्गुन)

Feminine nouns - स्त्रीलिंग 

  1. Most ‘ई ending', 'ख ending', 'अनुस्वार ending', 'ऊ ending', 'त ending', 'इया ending' and 'स ending' words. (eg. लड़की (girl), भूख (hunger), सरसों (mustard), दारू (wine), रात (night), कुटिया (cottage) प्यास (thirst) etc.)
  2. Rivers, (गंगा, यमुना, कावेरी , नर्मदा , ब्रह्मपुत्र  etc.)
  3. Languages and Scripts (फ़्रांसिसी (French), हिंदी (Hindi), अंग्रेजी (English), बंगाली (Bengali), तमिल (Tamil), गुजराती (Gujarati) etc.)
  4. Dialects (मगधी , मारवारी , ब्रज , अवधी , भोजपुरी  etc.)
  5. Months of English calendar (eg. जनवरी (January), फरवरी  (February) etc.)
  6. Ornaments (exceptions – गहना (ornament) , आभूषण (ornament), बाली (earring), टिका (head jewel) , मंगलसूत्र (necklace of married women) ) (Exception - झुमका (earring))
  7. Indian eatables (सब्जी (vegetable) , पाव भाजी , गोभी (cauliflower)   etc. “करेला (bitter guard)  , डोसा , परांठा  and most ‘आ’ endings are masculine)
  8. Vessels (थाली (plate) , कटोरी (bowl), चम्मच (spoon) exception – बर्तन , थाल , and many ‘अ’ ending)
  9. Grocery items (eg. इलायची (cardamom), मिर्च (chilly) , हींग (asafoetida), सौंफ (aniseed) , चीनी (sugar) etc.)
  10. Weapons (तलवार (sword) , मिसाइल , ढाल (shield) , बन्दूक (gun)  exception – विस्फोटक (bomb) , कवच (shield), खंजर (dagger) )
  11. Body organs – आँख (eye) , पलक (eyelid) , नाक (nose) , गर्दन ( neck) , मूंछ (mustache) , छाती (chest) , बांह (arm) , हथेली (hand, palm), अंगुली (finger) , टांग (leg), एडी (ankle) etc.
  12. Vehicles – कार, बस , ट्रेन , टैक्सी , साइकिल , बग्गी (Tonga) , गाड़ी [vehical (many time used for car)]  , मोटरबाइक , exceptions – स्कूटर , ट्रेक्टर , हवाई जहाज़ (aeroplane) , ऑटो (Auto-Rikshaw)
  13. Name of Dates.... [पहली (first), दूसरी (second), प्रतिपदा, पूर्णिमा (full moon)]
  14. Name of Constellations (अश्विनी, भरणी, रोहिणी etc.)
  15. Name of Abstract Nouns ending with "ट, वट and हट" (झंझट (mess), आहट (light sound), चिकनाहट (lubricity), बनावट (design), सजावट (decoration))

*Remember some words may be synonyms, that is, have same meaning but their gender can be different.

There can be more nouns to be understood for masculine and feminine which can only be understood by having experience of speaking in Hindi.

Number (वचन) of Nouns in Hindi

Singular - एकवचन

Plural - बहुवचन

1.            eye
आँख ( ending)
2.            road
 सड़क ( ending)
3.            horse
घोड़ा ( ending masculine)
4.            donkey
गधा  ( ending masculine)
5.            white man
 गोरा  ( ending masculine)
6.            girl
 कन्या ( ending feminine)
7.            art
 कला  ( ending  feminine)
8.            verb
क्रिया ( ending  feminine)
9.            river
नदी ( ending feminine)
10.       washer-man
 धोबी  ( ending masculine)
धोबी (लोग
11.       bird
चिड़िया (इया ending)
12.       couch
खटिया  (इया ending)
13.       cow
गौ  ( ending)
14.       bride
वधू  ( ending feminine)
15.       sage
साधू ( ending masculine)
 साधू (जन)
16.       teacher (male)
अध्यापक (irregular)
17.       student
विद्यार्थी (irregular)
18.       poor
  गरीब (irregular) 
गरीब लोग 
19.       master
 गुरु (irregular)

20.       friend
 मित्र (irregular)
21.       army
सेना (irregular)
22.       king
राजा ( ending masculine irregular)
राजा (जन)
Some Nouns never change in singular and plural..... These are some points to remember them...

  1. Most of them are masculine.
  2. All अ ending masculine words are of this kind.
  3. Most the English words used in Hindi, and considered masculine, no matter by which vowel they end, will come under this type.
  4. The feminine nouns that come under this type are generally abstract nouns, which don't change the meaning much by becoming plural.

    For Example...............

  1. क्षमा (forgiveness) (It is one of those 'feminine' abstract nouns that don't have a plural form)
  2. जल  (water)
  3. गिरि (mountain)
  4. राजा (ruler)
  5. नेता (leader)
  6. झुण्ड (crowd)
  7. क्रोध (rage)
  8. पानी (water)
  9. तोड़ (cure)
  10. घर (house)

*While talking of plurals it must be mentioned that the masculine plural is also used for the things you can't determine the gender of.... like "children" - If there is a class of children having both boys and girls we'll use बच्चे (plural of बच्चा). Until each and every child in the class is a girl one can't use बच्चियां (plural of बच्ची)

I mean, only those nouns who have a grammatical version with both genders in Hindi, that is to say,
for example जनता- Which means people is plural by its sense but is grammatically singular therefore acts like any singular feminine noun, and it does not have a masculine version so what the gender of the singular form be, the same will the gender of the plural form, i.e. जनताएं is feminine. It will be used as 'people' or 'peoples - in the sense of races' whether there be men in the 'crowd' or not... the female word जनता or जनताएं will be used anyways.
So in all.. 
So first check if the gender of the thing can be determined or not, then decide which version of the word you need to use... if gender can't be decided and the word being used have its version in both genders then of-course you will use the masculine version and the same will be the gender of the plural form, if it only has a feminine version then you have no choice.