Monday, May 13, 2013

Declension of Nouns and Pronouns by Cases - कारक से संज्ञा-सर्वनाम में विकार

Lesson - 4 Declension of Nouns and Pronouns by Cases - कारक से संज्ञा-सर्वनाम में विकार

1. Declension of Nouns
In Hindi there are two types of Numbers...
  • सामान्य वचन - Simple Number
  • तिर्यक वचन - Oblique Number

The one we have studied till now is सामान्य वचन, that is, simply the plural or singular of the word, when the word doesn't have a casal suffix on it.
But when the word has a casal suffix as well, then the form of एकवचन and बहुवचन before the suffix is changed.
लड़का [सामान्य एकवचन] boy, लड़के [सामान्य बहुवचन] boys
लड़के (का) [तिर्यक एकवचन] {of} boy, लड़कों (का) [तिर्यक बहुवचन] {of} boys

The rules for the तिर्यक वचन formation...

These rules can be understood by analyzing the following table... Look at the endings in the first column and see how they have changed in the rest...

Basically you now know how to form...
संज्ञा + कारक (noun + case) in Hindi... It can be represented in this way...
संज्ञा + कारक = तिर्यक रूप (The form of noun in 'oblique number')  + कारक
बंदा (person) + के लिए = बन्दे + के लिए = बन्देके लिए (for the person)
सेनादल (armies) + के पास = सेनाओं + के पास = सेनाओंके पास (Towards/Near to the armies)

Now, before giving you the list of some nouns with their कारक विभक्ति. I have to get acquainted to two words... "आदि" and "....कारान्त"
आदि means 'etc.', it is the short form of "इत्यादि" which means the full form 'etcetera'.
...कारान्त means in general "Ending with ...". We generally use it as a suffix on letters, when we need to say that the word ends with it.
अकारान्त - Ending with the vowel अ
तकारान्त - Ending with the consonant त
आदि [etc. :)]

Now I am going to give you a small list of Nouns with their declension of कारक...

2. Declension of Pronouns

In Hindi, when we say things like "For me, to me, of mine, by themselves" etc., of course the कारक विभक्ति  are used but there is a slight change in the main pronoun as well. And most of the times, it is irregular and doesn't follow any pattern, thus we straight away go to the tables of them when विभक्ति are joined to them.

Remember that there is no संबोधन कारक in the pronouns.

And the pronouns कुछ and सब which are always plural, just have the विभक्ति  come after themselves and they do not change.
कुछको, सबसे, कुछके लिए, सबके लिए आदि…

When nouns  are put with विभक्ति in-front of the pronouns... pronouns also have to change to तिर्यक रूप. This is done because these pronouns act as adjective..
जो कोई लोग => जिन किन्हीं लोगोंको
ये लोग => इन लोगोंके लिए
वह चीज़ => उस चीज़ से
हम लोग => हम लोगोंसे 

लोग always becomes "लोगों" before the विभक्ति as it is always plural in sense. (It means people).
लोगोंका, लोगोंके पास आदि…

चीज़ (as pronoun) when it is singular, it remains as it is... before विभक्ति. And चीज़ें (as pronoun) becomes चीज़ों before विभक्ति.
किसी चीज़का, कुछ चीज़ोंको etc.

के अंदर, के पास, के बाहर, के सामने etc. विभक्ति can be put by first putting the के (संबंध कारक) विभक्ति to the noun or pronoun and then putting the word...
मेरे अंदर, वस्तुओंके पास, अपने बाहर, घरके सामने, देवके ऊपर etc...

there are post-positions which do not use के with the adverb... like तक (till)
But the noun or pronoun would be converted to the तिर्यक वचन ...
मुझ तक, कपड़ों तक, लोगों तक, अपने तक, लड़के तक, अध्यापकों तक, शिष्या तक etc...

***Remember that where-ever it is written अपना, ने, नी ; किनका, की, के ; वस्तुओंसे, के द्वारा  etc. It means अपना, अपने, अपनी ; किनका, किनकी, किनके ; वस्तुओंसे, वस्तुओंके द्वारा etc. It is just a short form of expressing it...


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